This is part three of a four-part series where we’ll explore your Mercury placement via the sign, houses, and what certain aspects mean. Not sure where your Mercury falls? Email [email protected] with your birth time, location, and date to receive a copy of your chart.

Let’s talk houses!

The house placement of Mercury in an individual’s birth chart can also provide valuable insights into how they communicate and make decisions in the context of specific areas of their life, including their business ventures.

For example, if an individual’s Mercury is located in the first house, which represents the self and personal identity, they may be particularly adept at communicating their personal brand and vision for their business. They may also have a strong sense of self and be able to make decisions confidently and independently.

If an individual’s Mercury is located in the second house, which represents personal finances and values, they may be particularly adept at communicating the value of their products or services and making strategic financial decisions. They may also have a strong sense of their personal values and be able to align their business decisions accordingly.

If an individual’s Mercury is located in the third house, which represents communication and information exchange, they may excel at networking and building relationships with clients and partners. They may also be skilled at marketing and PR, and have a knack for staying up-to-date on the latest industry trends and developments.

If an individual’s Mercury is located in the fourth house, which represents home and family life, they may prioritize work-life balance in their business ventures and may be particularly skilled at building a supportive work environment for their team.

If an individual’s Mercury is located in the fifth house, which represents creativity and self-expression, they may excel at coming up with innovative ideas and developing unique products or services that set their business apart from competitors. They may also be skilled at engaging with customers and building a loyal following.

If an individual’s Mercury is located in the sixth house, which represents work and daily routines, they may be particularly adept at managing their time and resources efficiently and effectively. They may also have a keen eye for detail and be able to streamline processes and systems to increase productivity.

If an individual’s Mercury is located in the seventh house, which represents partnerships and relationships, they may excel at building strong partnerships with clients and collaborators. They may also be skilled at negotiating deals and resolving conflicts in a constructive and mutually beneficial way.

If an individual’s Mercury is located in the eighth house, which represents shared resources and transformation, they may be particularly skilled at securing funding or investment for their business ventures. They may also have a strategic, long-term perspective and be able to navigate complex challenges and changes in the business landscape.

If an individual’s Mercury is located in the ninth house, which represents travel and higher education, they may have a global perspective on their business ventures and may excel at expanding into new markets or developing international partnerships. They may also be skilled at synthesizing information from a variety of sources to make informed decisions.

If an individual’s Mercury is located in the tenth house, which represents career and public image, they may be particularly skilled at building a strong personal brand and reputation for their business. They may also be able to leverage their professional networks and connections to open doors and create new opportunities.

If an individual’s Mercury is located in the eleventh house, the sphere of friendships, hopes, and dreams, it endows an individual with exceptional networking abilities and a knack for understanding collective trends. People with this placement are adept at communicating within groups and organizations, often playing a pivotal role in sharing ideas and information. They are likely to have a diverse set of friends, drawn together by a shared interest in innovation and intellectual pursuits. These individuals excel in translating their hopes and dreams into concrete plans, using their mental agility and social connections. Their ability to forecast trends can make them effective in roles that require anticipating the future needs and desires of society or technology.

If an individual’s Mercury is located in the twelfth house, associated with the subconscious, secrets, and the collective unconscious, there is a deepening of the mind’s introspective and reflective capacities. Individuals with this placement possess a natural inclination towards understanding the undercurrents of the human psyche, often expressing interest in subjects like psychology, mysticism, and spirituality. They are skilled at communicating complex, abstract ideas and have a penchant for uncovering hidden truths. This placement can also indicate a person who finds comfort in solitude, using private time to think, research, and delve into the mysteries of life. Their communication may be more subtle or indirect, but it carries profound insights and a deeper understanding of the human condition.

Understanding the house placement of your Mercury can help you to tailor your business strategy to the specific areas of your life and work that are most important to you, and to identify areas where you may need to focus on developing new skills or approaches